It started off when the 20 or so of us met up
at Mama's Kitchen, TTDI for dinner.
Ordered the usual Cantonese and Hokkien Mee with a bit of Loh Shi Fun.

"Jo I tell you, Hun Yee better stock up on her tissue man,"
The Gang.
Walkalators. My favourite mookwalking spot.

Sam with his faces.
The Gang.(2)
Isa looks like he's proposing and Joan looks like she's saying
"Oh, shyte! I'm sorry I can't! I'm leaving for Canada!"

And now Tsong looks like he was holding the bag with his teeth,
and dropped the bag because he saw Val pass by.
These two Ang Mo dono why always in my camera.

The Gang.(3)
that's Joan's Family.
You? Me?
Check it out weih!
Hun Yee's not crying!
Oh ya, but Chong said she won't rite.
Hoorah for hy.

Kononnya Stunt Crew.

Joan and Parents.
Joan and Mum.

Haha this is my favourite picture man.
Well Joan, you will always be in our hearts,
(well, at least hopefully)
We will never forget you,
(so you sholdn't forget us too)
And may god bless your journey.
Till you blardy come back in DECEMBER!
"Something's Just Can't Be Forgotten,"
- jomi