Life ain't a roller coaster

on Saturday, April 17, 2010
at 11:01 PM

Coz it's a fricking blender. The minute you think you're in one piece, you're actually in 50 million more.

It's been a good blend getting involved with the voters registration campaign. All the experienced I've ever gained from it is definitely invaluable. I've:
  • Met so many people
  • Met so many different kinds of people
  • Met so many different kinds of nice people
  • Learned so many new things about our country's voting system
  • Talked to visionaries who share the same vision of changing this nation
  • Collaborated with other organizations to pool our resources
  • Learned that procrastination is not part of your character/personality/habits. It's your enemy, and if you have good allies, they can help you win the war against this foe completely
  • Learned more about content management systems other than stupid simple Wordpress (although WP is very good for small company portfolios since it's super easy to use and understand)
  • Prepared myself to drop my hobbies when I'm called to do nation transformation work
  • Understood the importance of having a team with very different personalities so that all work in a synergistic way (because a team full of introverts will not succeed, neither would a team full of leaders)
  • Finally got my own name cards
  • Finally got registered as a voter
  • Finally got some of my friends to register as voters
  • Realized that there's such things called Chinese Assembly Hall, Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia, Youth4Change, and Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya
  • Found out that standing at a booth for 12 hours in a mall for 2 days in a row, trying to sell something ain't easy
  • Learned that hurdles and challenges aren't obstacles to us if we keep our eye on the ball and keep our spirit together
  • Learned that Jamie is crazy
  • Been enlightened about the generosity of fellow youth who were willing to stand alongside us for hours to flag shoppers down and force them to sign the damn form and get out of our sight (ok not so vulgar)
  • Found that Subang Parade's management is VERY friendly and has good intentions for their CSR quotas
  • Talked to Khailee Ng, co-founder of YouthAsia and he speaks like aSUPERfastBULLETTRAINand
  • Learned alot more things but there it's too wong-linded to list them down here so I'll just go to sleep now

Jamie Ang Hui Mei is cool

on Monday, April 12, 2010
at 1:02 AM

Translation Rules

on Tuesday, March 23, 2010
at 4:42 AM

I downloaded the plugin for firefox where I can highlight a word within the browser and then either wiki it or tweet it or google it or, especially this one wonderful feature, translate it.

So I came across this profile on fb.

Yes I do stalk.

Yes everyone on fb does too.


Anyway, yea so I was viewing this bunch of profile photos... and I saw some Chinese words as comments to the photo....

And yes, you've guessed it.

I just had to.

"Yes! I do use Mody Blazing Sauce as my foundation! omg how did you know?!"

An Old Flame?

on Monday, March 22, 2010
at 11:45 PM

Did a photoshoot with Cynthia few weeks ago. Her collection is finally up in conjunction with the launch of her new automated online store,

It was quite a fun session... Bu tiring and hot. coz I sweat alot and me metabolism is high. And it was dangerous. Coz a fricking screw went through my shoe.

It wasn't a nail.


Anyway. here are some samples.


Anyway, thanks TianChad, for keeping me at it!

Brb guys!

Hi Again

on Sunday, March 21, 2010
at 1:37 AM

I'm in class and we're having a break. Suddenly felt like just opening up all my iPhone apps that can be used on the go, now that I've got youth club data plan. 68/mth, okla quite worth it, except for 3 things:

1. Internet connection is slllllooooowwwww
2. Phone battery depletes darn quickly, since EDGE is like dinosaur technology
3. Phone gets hot damn quickly

But other than that, it's so fun to do things on the move! No more saying "oh, uhh, I'll google it when I get home la."

Anyway, I'd like to broadcast a request for anyone who's reading this blog to remind me to blog more often. Coz I need to keep this alive and express all my feelings and rantings and activities from time to time. SO PLEASE FORCE ME TO BLOG MORE OFTEN.

So okay I'm off. Lecturer's back. Talk to you later!

EPIC FOR UNITY, April 3rd & 4th 2010

on Wednesday, March 03, 2010
at 12:57 PM

According to the Election Commission (EC) Deputy Chairman, Wan Ahmad Wan Omar in a report dated in January 2010, 4.39 million or some 28% of Malaysians over the age of 21 have yet to register as a voter. These are alarming statistics which we believe we have to do something about. To put things into perspective, the state of Selangor itself has an estimated 787,000 unregistered voters.

The decisions we make today shape our tomorrow, individually as a community, and ultimately as a nation. That is why we are beginning another EPIC movement we call EPIC for Unity.

This is where we want the people to start having faith & hope in this nation that we call HOME and love dearly. It is understandable that it has indeed been challenging to develop such positive feelings toward a nation that displays such a blatant disregard for ethics and the rapid decay of moral values in our community. We understand that we are disillusioned and feelings of helplessness have inhabited our minds and wills, causing us to stop striving for what we youths want.

We want to believe that the power of ‘one’ is not simply overrated, just rarely challenged
We want Positive Action not Negative Reactions
We want to integrate not tolerate
We want to stop complaining, and start acting
We want our friends to stop migrating overseas and our parents to stop telling us to do so
We want to be colour blind to our neighbours
We want to stand up to be responsible for our collective future and believe that others want to as well

We want all this but what are you willing to do to get it?

We want to voice our choice the best and most civil way we know how in practicing our democratic right...
By Voting

However before that happens, you first have to register as a voter... Have you? If you have, GOOD ON YA! If not, don’t feel bad, because the time is now.
We are on an EPIC Mission to gather 1,000,000 voters by the end of the year to mark the end of the first decade of this millennium.Yes, we said it! ONE MILLION! We believe that we will definitely hit and even exceed this number if you join us on this EPIC adventure to truly impact our community in an extraordinary way.

We will be launching our year-long campaign which we believe belongs to all of us on the 3rd and 4th of April. The launch will start of by setting up booths in high traffic malls which will be confirmed ASAP.

We will need at least 150 hands in promoting, registering,
setting up booths and pasting up posters.

We are targeting 20,000 people for the 2 day launch.

* in case you're wondering we have NO political affiliations whatsoever*


If you are interested please email us your details and join the event on facebook.


If you cannot support this physically yet would like to be a part of this movement, you can contribute monetarily to:

Bank: CIMB
Branch: Subang Jaya
Account Number: 1261-0002228-05-3
Reg Number: SA0143174-D

We would greatly appreciate it if you pass the word around. For further inquiries do email us at: or call 016 3177788 (Jasmine)

10 Things I'll Tell A Younger Me

on Saturday, February 27, 2010
at 11:20 PM

First five's from shengmae.

1. It’s ALWAYS bros before hoes.

My three best friends and I have gone through exactly the same thing and when I say exactly, I mean WAN HUNDRAD TAOHSERN PERCENT identitcal breakup situations and we all got dumped exactly the same way and felt the exact same shit for a year or so. Well, Jote's going through it now. 1.5 months and counting. Moral of the story - we all have each other and when things get heart-breaking and downright confidence-wrecking. We take care of each other, talk it out, get our logical brains straight, and back on the road we are.

2. Take up Mandarin classes.

7/8 of my ACCA friends are chinese-educated. More often than not do I feel insecure and inferior when socializing. I feel like the world's out to get me and they're plotting their sinister actions to embarrass my xiang jiao ren-ness.

Besides that, my dad tells me twice a day about, not only how it will benefit me in communication and networking with people, but also the detriments of not going to China to do this 3-month trip for goodness' sake.

3. Read more.

My vocabulary's as lousy as a C-grade movie. I didn't read at all throughout my childhood and now I STILL DON'T EVEN READ AT ALL. I'm on the computer all day, I'm on my phone all night, I'm in the toilet everytime, I'm climbing every week... I'M DOING EVERYTHING BUT READ. And not to mention having big trouble facing politically active rakyat when they come to interrogate me about my ulterior motives throughout my voter's registration campaign that I'm involved in. Seriously, the frigging newspaper is there everyday, getting wet by spilt water, doing nothing. go read the damn papers, boy.

4. You’re gonna enjoy high school.

SAVOUR EACH MOMENT. You'll know when and where you need to. Trust me.

5. Don’t worry about your crooked teeth.

Reading shengmae's one about this can make me omg cry all night ='(

But honestly, the laziness that will get to you, the discipline problems you will be facing when everyone's forcing you to keep your retainers in your damn mouth and not leave them everywhere else... won't matter because you will be a marvelous person and you will know it when the time comes. People will accept who you are. Not what you look like. And girls will be after you!

*Omg shameless*

6. Always think of the good stuff and look toward the future

Your excessive insecurities and self-consciousness is inevitable, I agree. But there are many other things that can help overcome your lack of confidence and shyness - one of them is using your time more carefully and making sure everyday that your to-do-list had something in it that would benefit you in the future. Making sure that everything you do makes someone else smile and that you know you have a good heart and you're using it to make this world a better place. Always look an improved you for the community in the future.

7. When you're choosing your tertiary field of study, choose the one you REALLY WANT TO DO

8 years ago, I started getting interested in graphic web design. I learned how to do basic stuff on photoshop, like colour stuff, draw boxes... It was so refreshing to create something out of nothing. It was colourful. It was my passion. I kept it.

Then 4 years and 2 months ago, my dad and I went to Sunway College to go checkout the courses offered there. We came across this lovely section which said "Monash - Mechatronics Engineering" and I was exhilirated. All my life I was this little boy who always like to take things apart and extract electronics from radios/walkmans/computers and join them to make something. It was time to show the world what I could do with my technicalities.

Then 4 years, and 1 month ago, My dad brought me to the Sunway School of Professional Accountancy (a.k.a. SunwayTES).

4 years and 1 month later after that visit, I am now struggling to finish my final audit paper.

8. "A Jack of All Trades, A Master of None"

Swaying in and out of all kinds of sports and keeping none of them close to you... sometimes it's a waste of effort, sometiems it's a waste of time. If you pick up a sport and you see that you're improving rapidly in it, keep it going. Don't give two birds about your teammates who are leaving to Melbourne to study, your friends who all do other sports, your dad who thinks that rock climbing is too expensive etc, and someday, you will find yourself in a school competition, in a college sports carnival, in the open games, in the inter-district fight, and soon you will see a world-class you.

And it's not only about sports, it's about everything! you may find yourself soon doing photography perhaps, and maybe in your spare time earning some pocket money from designing websites... but realize that if you took either one to further levels, you would have so much more earning power.

9. Don't think about what people are thinking about you!

WHAT'S SO HARD ABOUT JUST MAKING CONVERSATION. Everyone has insecurities. Just go for it, man. As they always say, you'll never know until you try. Seriously! I can tell you, you'll find yourself more confident after gathering all your energy to just go up to some random person and say hi.

10. When you meet someone named Ms. Liew, WALK AWAY.

She may be attractive, the both of you may click in seconds, but watch your emotions. You're a guy! Keep the logic up in there! Trust me!

Have faith. All the best!

Busy busy busy

on Friday, February 26, 2010
at 1:08 PM

Here's a quick update:

Currently busy with... well, I wouldn't call it community work now.. I'd really like to call it event management. Lovely experience, man. Even failing a paper doesn't bother me. I've got so many other important things on my plate now!

Will talk more about what I'm currently readying. Keep in touch, guys. This is gonna be an exciting year. =)

I am better than this

on Saturday, February 13, 2010
at 11:36 AM

To all who ask whether I am content...


No. I am not.

This job is worth at least RM4k.

Maybe I'm blind and stupid. I don't think before I speak. I jump before I look at in the end I fall and cry over the pain. It is evident that I do not fit in this area of expertise as I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, no job satisfaction, no discipline, no technical competence, no sense of urgency and achievement... and obviously no skill in having a thick face.

Because RM0.5k for a job taking a month and a half ain't dropping me hints that I have potential in this field.

So I resign henceforth as, I wouldn't say a 'web designer' as I clearly have no idea what that means, but just a person who knows how to do a some website stuff. I have two more small jobs to attend to after this one, and after that, I am putting my foot down and letting go of this.

My clients deserve better quality results and thus deserve to pay more for those results. There you go.

Yes, you can scold me now. My face is thick. Don't worry.

Chris Wong, I think you're right

on Wednesday, February 10, 2010
at 2:53 AM

I'm beginning to think that it actually is truly due to climbing. Because usually it comes and goes in a span of 2 or 3 weeks, but this has been going on for about a month and a half! And it usually peaks at one point and alleviates immediately after that. But now it's been bout 2 weeks since it's peaked, and it's still peeling! the thing is, I see like perfectly fresh skin underneath! It's like I'm peeling off a layer of thickened climbing skin. Callus!

Chris said he stopped climbing for awhile and the same thing happened. But GAH, my climbing buddies climb as often and or as little as I do... BUT THEIR FINGERS AREN'T LIKE THIS, aRE THEY!?

Haih. Insecurities.

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"Umm, nah, I prefer to hug people. Come here, man."

My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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