on Tuesday, November 07, 2006
at 9:21 PM

Don't you know that feeling... when you visit a blog with hopes of some news and fun, but all you see is nothing. Just the same old layout and a couple of old posts waiting to be archived away. And you leave a tag to request the author for a little entertainment, "i'm jomi-blogspot-deprived!"

But sadly, i have arrived at my senses only to conclude that i shall


Now, you shall feel the unforgivable wrath of my long-winded, addle-brained, nerve-wrecking, eyelid-drooping, veins-on-the-forehead-like-in-the-anime-outpopping, lame-portraying paragraphs of unforgettable, most memorable, spectacular, marvelously set, ultimately desirable and i'm-so-crapping-myself-out moments.

(Okayla actually they're just experiences i'd like to reminisce about when i'm of old age, sitting on that dust-collecting, back-tingling, body-odour-smelling, mite-eaten armchair in that little childhood-memory-reminding, down-breaking, rented out terrace house)


So firstly, we have rock climbing. Yesterday. It was around 12pm so Yun and I had some time to kill before the gym opened at 2pm. While we travelled through the obstacles of energy-deprived air molecules(cold air, kurang haba mah) within the compounds of 1 Utama, we searched for a suitable yet strategic outlet for us to engage in a satisfying meal, called lunch.

Tiu Nya Singh i could have said that paragraph in less than 10 words.

"Yun and I had lunch before we started climbing."

Aiya okayla we had some foosing at Studio78, satisfacatory tables, then kept walking back and forth outside camp5 waiting for them to open. Finally, we were one of the first to sign in for the day pass and to start climbing like donkeys, from 2.30pm, all the way to 10.30pm.

Met Mr. Dawwyl Sim, Our very own marathoner + rockclimber + swimmer + all-terrain-baller + sportsman of the year, i would say. And i'm having your harness and chalkbag now NYAHAHA. I'll give it back to you when you confess something. Phwoar. I love the confession game. Let the dude climb puas puas to the top, when it's time for you to run to the nearest railing to tie a double figure of eight on the belayer's side of the rope. xD (i think i better start watching out)

Anyways, yesterday's rock climbing was cool, BECAUSE YUN WAS THERE of course. Along with our favourite severely altophobic Yuen Yen, afraid to jump off a boulder. Sadly, I didn't bring my camera.

Besides that there's nothing much, just that i can do the black route on the far right of the bouldering section in


Okayla i think Noel can do it in point three seconds. So...


Next up, we have a joy-bringing, fun-loving, bond-strengthening, joke-generating, laughter-spilling meet up with the famous xangathiathia and christoper@camp5 peeps. Along with a pudgy badger. Gosh, frankly, Chris is such a macha la.. he's like sooo cool with the accent and slang all... plus the charming character all.. wa A++ la.. and Cynthia jie jie.. Lampar i tell you, she has the capability to immerse herself in a conversation for, i guarantee you, more than 3 hours, non-stop. Yes, according to my ficticious calculations, she's wanelluva talker. It's like. ahh shiat. okay jon. try to, you know. be more sociable now. I mean like. reply her with a.. GOSH WHAT THE HELL. WHY DID YOU SAY THAT. OF ALL THE THINGS IN THE WORL... nevermind.


My other grateful experience is having a stomach ache in college.

Toilets in Sunway? Perfect place to take out your 4 essential items. Premier tissue pack, HP iPAQ PocketPC(bejeweled), Sony Bean, and your pants.

Fire Away.

Speaking of the 20sen Premier tissue pack, I did a little survey as to why the tissue sleeves in the small tissue pack has to be folded so weirdly, till I have to consume such a large amount of time unfolding the tissue and folding it back into a neat four-layer setting, which, by the time i'm satisfied with the comfort of not having a weirdly-folded tissue in my hand, the cellucotton sleeve would have been dissolved by the sweat from my palms.

So here's my tag.

Answer this question:

How would you design a portable tissue pack of 8, so that it would satisfy your preferences, assuming that your design possesses similar physical and hygenic characteristics to the existing market product?

I tag one hundred of my friends, and whether you're included, is up to you. xD


Moving on on Jomi.TV, we have....


And guess who the other one is. Ah. yes. that's correct! It's our very own, attractive-looking, forever-smiling, ACCA-pursuing, funky-sock-dancing, www.xanga.com/thiathia!

For more information, please visit the link above.

Where was I... Ah yes.. FINALLY. some common grounds! ACCA students, Lefties, Bloggers... Nyahaha. Awaiting to discover the rest. =]

(Actually nothing much la, just proud that i've got some similarities with a celebrity of mine!)


Lastly, we talk about the probability, feasibility, plausibility and possiblity of questions which you had AFFIRMED the zero-capability of it being examinable in the mock exams, which, to my negative luck, had actually surprised me with the opposite fact. Just like that.

I mean, saying "aiyah this one no need to study la" and "this is NOT coming out lar, how can it" are two, totally, completely, fully and wholly

Different Things.

Seriously, what were the chances lah. I seriously sat there, reading the question in the hall, holding my breath already bursting out with sorrowful laughter and joyful regret.

Oh My F G.


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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