
on Monday, December 29, 2008
at 7:10 PM

I can never really conclude whether or not I feel close to them, still, or even since the beginning. I can't say we fully accept and understand that the only underlying principle which bonds us together is that of our backgrounds, where, together we shared them for 5 years or so, taking advantage of the fact that we are only in common from the way we talk about ourselves and others, the things we used to do back in the school-uniform days, the outings and trips we organize, and how we trust each other to be ethical and moral souls. But other than that, we are all tens of worlds apart, only acknowledging our commonality to be our only bond which keeps us coming back to update each other about our mundane lives and activities, blinded from reality, elaborated by the diversity in lifestyles and visions each of us maintain for ourselves.

The ultimate question I propose to myself is, what is friendship? does friendship revolve around a social contest? to see who has more friends for the sake of a popularity chase of some sort. Or is it a catchnet just for your comfort in times of insecurity and panic? Or maybe it's just a contract between two souls connected to one another through a thread unbreakable by physical impairment, but able to be fractured by the tip of pen or the flux in a voice tone, altering the human ego and esteem.

What bothers me more is the way we look at each other, demand an expected level of understanding, trust and comfortable exchange of silence and profanities in our rants and chants, without a drop of skepticism or introversion. The chemistry behind relationships between two or more human beings, labelled as the ignition of a friendship bond, further excruciates my wandering thoughts.

All may boil down to my personal insecurity, questioning the insignificant, the taken-for-granted, the unnecessary.

But there is, though, some truth to this insight, that

fark. that was damn lame. Bah. I'm warming up my psd-blogging skills la.


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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