Merry Christmas

on Thursday, December 25, 2008
at 12:31 AM

Since my exams, it's been really hectic. But I can't say I've been busy for 25 hours a day. At least I tried really hard to fit in as much activity into my wasted-every-semester 3-week holiday.

Had so many friends come back this time around, It was really hard keeping track of everyone and organizing events. Everything was clashing and nyarghh. You know that feeling where you just have to sigh and reply your friend to say that you're having a family dinner tonight and you can only drop by later. Nimmphhhurghhiaaahhh.

But at least I got to see half of the two worlds. =]

Did loads of work with cynthia the past week, it's all hush hush till she launches her new fashion blog, so keep updated on it at her personal blog. Even I am really excited!

*Cyn: I haven't checked, but I totally bet you seriously deleted the 'demon' picture. >.<

After half a year, my dreams of pursuing strobing (professional lighting for photography) have finally realized partially. I really have to thank my dad for my birthday money that funded the hundreds of ringgit flown out of my wallet. Gosh, I better speed up my designs to earn back some cash.

Eh eh oh ya! strobing people! let's go on an outing! will plan one with Shaz soon. keep you posted.

Having cousins back from London added to the already-packed schedule. CHECK THIS OUT LAR. my fricking life organized into a whiteboard.

The days that were crossed (excluding that first 4 days which were exam dates) represents FRICKING USELESS DAYS WHICH I SPENT SLEEPING AND EATING AND LAZING AROUND which gave me quite a surprise coz there were only 2. Compared to my previous holidays, i dunno, there were probably like. 21.

Anyways, I've probably confirmed that my passion for blogging has died, but rest assured my passion for photography has not. If only I could fuse the two together and spark an idea that would keep me going at it consistently.

But for now, I'm really busy busy busy with blog designs, currently on Shaz's, and just completed one for White Prints. She's an old friend from high school. Go visit okay. Currently she has 3 items in stock, but more will definitely come in the near future.

Oh yeah. Yun. hahaha. My floorball soulmate. WHOOPA we finally played floorball, like 7 of us... and that's been THE HIGHEST ATTENDANCE for a floorball gathering in like years, man. years.

Oh, right. yea floorball is something like ice hockey on land, usually played indoors on parquet, but wherever there's cement would be a good spot to start this high-paced fast ball game. No rollerblades but shoes, allowing for maximum agility and ball control creates a tiring but exhilirating experience in slapping the white hollow plastic balls into a cardboard box from the half court line.

Floorball Commercial wtf

So yea, I do blogskins, but I am yet to propose a standardized schedule for the service charges. If you'd like to find out more, please e-mail me at lohjonming[@]

Merry Christmas to all of you, and a Happy New Year to wish you all the best for your upcoming 2009.


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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