on Monday, March 23, 2009
at 4:00 AM

Only in time, will you see yourself in the mirror, and be glad things are changing. You'll be glad that you don't see the flaws you had years ago. Glad to see the wrinkles in your face showing ur growing cautiousness. Glad to see the faded pupils in your eyes, elaborating the memory-engraving experiences you were encumbered with along the way.

You'll hear the raindrops differently, they splash on the ground with violent roars of water waves exploding in all directions, yet they only wet a tiny little spot on the floor, in their micro little world.

You'll drive to work differently, you forgive the maddening weaver, and the hurried queue-cutter, you will not brake in front of them on purpose or honk at them, but you will bless their souls for safety and peace.

You'll see the leaves falling, not because of gravitation, not because of the changing season, but because if it doesn't fall, a new one can't grow and if all new leaves don't grow, where on earth would we live to find oxygen-dispersing dead brown leaves?

You can't escape change. It's all around you, beneath your eyes, inside your handbag, in the kitchen, at the board meetings... Change is so frequent and ubiquitous till you could discover that "change is changing". No matter what you do, you are subject to change.

So be happy when you face change. With a smile. =)

My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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