Life on Shuffle

on Wednesday, September 20, 2006
at 10:06 PM

Pernyataan Masalah: Mengalami perasaan rawak dan bosan
Inferens: Lakukan perkara yang tidak membosankan
Kesimpulan: Life on Shuffle!

Credits to,
another random game of...

Life on Shuffle!

The game is simple, just.. answer some random questions with the titles of songs played from your music player, on shuffle!
(no cheating!)

Here goes...

Describe yourself.
Put Your Head on My Shoulder - (wtf!?)

How has the past 17 years been for you?
Mistakes We Knew We Were Making - (was i wrong?)

What's going on in your mind lately?
Two Worlds - (Wa Phil Colins really knows what's going through my head yo)

What has been a great influence to you?
Let Me Love You - (is that a statement? argh! this is so random!)

I am currently...
To The Moon and Back - (i am totally out of this world, dude.)

I want someone who is...
Scrotum - (OMG COME ONLARR this some prank call by Stephen Lynch, what's it doing in my darn library)

I can't stand people who are...
Bu De Bu Ai - (sorry i'm a xiang jiao ren, can you like tell me what it means)

What is better to do than to blog now?
The Last Song Ever - (no it's not the last song... i've got so many more questions coming)

My blog is all about...
Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman - (oh really..)

10 years from now, I might be...
Six Days - (I think it's my damn playlist la.)

Shuffling is...
Lifesong - (Yeah baby, it's the song for life!)

Foosball is...
Shut up - (WAHAHA and glassheartcheez's answer for this one was "Silence". The tension of blocking a snake.)

Restless - (only when i'm waiting in some long-ass queue in the immigration waiting for my damn passport, listening to the irritating cries of a baby, heart skipping a beat after every sounding of the number-calling device thingie - TIGA.. TIGA.. TUJUH.. DUA. KAUNTER... EMPAT.)

What's your best pick-up line?
Fourth Joyride - (what, you think this is seriously PICK-UP ar.)

Where did you put my wallet?
Run - (Snow Patrol thinks someone stole my wallet, so i should run before he has a second thought to come back and stab me)

What do you do when you see your ex pass by?
Push - (that ain't being a little ethical, innit?)

IF I could turn back time, I would...
Surreal Life - (yes, it WOULD be surreal.)

When you're at the movies, and the couple behind you is making obscene noises, you turn around and say...
Happy Birthday Song - (i'm like really wanting to cheat here... bloody Arrogant Worms... This Jon lar, send me this song)

What are ure preferences on girls?
Best Friends Song - (does that mean i'm really fated not to find that perfect someone...)

Your favourite food at 12 midnight.

What did the beggar do to the rich white man who didn't spare him some change?
Friends are Friends Forever - (Must be a really forgiving beggar)

For the people out there who read this, I'd like to say...
Spongbob - (Aiya i give up lar, i don't know where the hell i get these stupid random soundclips... you know like that PaiKai Banggali one, "KANENAH BO CHIBAI")

Describe your college life.
Everywhere - (Going to class here and there, canteen for lunch, student's centre for some foosing, musa for more foosing...)

If you could only say one last word to your loved one, what would it be?
Kau Ilhamku - (Oh finally, something that makes sense)

What would you want for your next birthday present?
Beep - (wow, that's... thoughtful...thx for the present....?)

I totally dislike...
Collapsed - (Yea, i don't like being emo)

Accountancy is...
Fluke - (ah memang pun.)

If a fight between you and your best friend was voice-recorded, what's one word to describe it?
Let Me Go - (is it finally the time?

Favourite slogan to be printed on your personal cap.
Everytime We Touch - (WAHLAO all the girls will slap me man)

I am going to...
C is for Cookie - (omg... back to random de mandom - it's some sesame street soundclip. WHERE THE HECK DO MY BROTHERS GET THESE. coz i didn't download it.)

What's in it for me if I go for Seri Saujana's Prom?
Holy, holy, holy - (hmm.. it's a worship song, so....)

After you've played a game of football in the mud, you yell to your opponents...

You pay your tax to...
We Dreamed in Heist - (heist: 1. [n] robbery at gunpoint. - so... we pay tax to... mimpi tentang robbery at gunpoint.. hmm... brilliant.)

If your life was written in a book, the title of the book would be...
Children 2000 - (WOI think what, i'm some vision 3000 generation ar. - Robert Miles techno remix)

Describe your iTunes playlist.
Chasing Cars - (Exactly. Chasing cars is random. Totally RANDOM.)

My home is my favourite place because it gives me...
Ballanation - (this is by DJ Dean, and there is no definition of 'Ballanation' in and - but it sounds cool! My home gives me BALLANATION!)

Hole Punchers & Rings, or Staplers and Duct Tape for project reports?
Meant To Live - (???)

Diet Coke is bad for health because...
No Such Thing - (WAHAHA. okay then, diet cokes are (Y) for health. )

Another pick-up line at the college canteen.
Eternity - ( "Hey there, you wanna go for some claypot eternity rice at Medan?" )

What's your opinion on PDA(public direct affection)?
Huo Tian Cuo - (wtf... i still don't know what Michelle is explaining to me... Flower...Sawah Padi... THEN WHAT'S CUO?!)

If someone you've been longing to talk to, brushes you off when you call him/her, what goes through your mind?
Wax Junkie - (wa, that bad a punishment meh...)

Why are you not studying now?
Tsubasa Wa Pleasure Line - (Pleasure?! WTF pleasure I'm not WANKING LAR.)

Anti-bacterial Alcohol Hand Gel is good for Foosball because it provides...
The Graduation Song - (i think that means i've graduated from foosball, and that means i have stopped foosball, and that means I WILL NOT PLAY FOOSBALL ANYMORE.)

When you break down after a whole day of insults, you just feel like...

Half Alive - (Secondhand Serenade never let's me down with pick-up lines!)

How bout YOUR life on shuffle?

My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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