exams finished

on Friday, December 15, 2006
at 12:57 PM

As the students of the Certified Accounting Technician programme prepare for the final exams, they endure nerve-wrecking stress, long-hard lectures and never-ending putdowns from their parents and teachers, at this point in life, not just to please their parents and lecturers, but also to persevere what they aspire for.

Persistency, Ketidakberputusasaan and Courage were the core values required by the course undertakers of this 12-month programme. Many had lost these values on the way, as they could not possess the strength of belief and the resistance against distractions.

As the final exams were nearing, the CAT students had realized the depleting time constraint put on them, as he felt the panic and adrenaline rising in him.

The final four papers where the toughest of the nine, portraying the skill and technicality requirements of a successful and academically-achieving Certified Accounting Technician. At the end of 2006, the CAT students shall be ready.

(just some cool pics from SyUC)

(Okay maybe not this one)

(Michelle pic msg-ed me and said "look! DAMANSARA UTAMA MILK!")

And on the morning of my last paper, i found my lucky charm.

A fat cat.

seriously dem fat.

And my last paper, in the exam hall.


Oh father in Heaven...

for all the things that i have done...

for the trouble i have caused...

for all the mistakes...

forgive me...

for i have sinned and practised disobedience...

for i have rebelled and succumbed to unjust behaviour...

for i have wronged many actions...


(actually i wanted to see my change in hairstyle from before exams to after. haha now so lala jor. Xd)

Well, that's it for all the exam-talk, hope you've enjoyed the boring and monotonous elaborations of a student accountant.



okayla i'll run through the pictures quickly. gotta go for my rock climbing!

(which i have been in ages.)

This is the car park lift at Rennaisance Hotel.

apparently Marxha looks damn appealling very pretty in her dress in this picture.

And you'd be asking, WHAT IS THAT?

haha more like. who.

The A-Levels Drama King.

Tsong changed from a t-shirt while driving.

And Jon took the wheel.

Some skilled drivers we have.

Jon said he was in this toilet somewhere, and he pasang flash on his camera.


all the taps and urinals flushed simultaneously.

(but apparently,)


no flush.

The lovely


And the grande chandeliers!

(is that how you spell it)

So jinn and alvin arrived, and... oh.


your hair...





that's Kevin, Alvin, Tsong's head, Elisa, Pei Lin's head, Ernest, Jinn and Jon.

Yes Pei Lin was like


Haha we went in jeans a t-shirt.


The trivia session seemed boringly sucky a little less amusing, so the participants took a chance to leave the hall to get some fresh air. And to Jote's advantage, he was is familiar with the form 5s this year, and there he was, having more fun with his f5 dudes, leaving his partners in crime (getkreshers) to rot in the corner.

I'm so gonna get Sarah to keel you.

Kidding la. xD

They've got the... uhh.. what do you call that thingo behind all of us... an arch.. yea whatever. they had a flowered-arch entrance, they had little pot bouquets on the tall tables, and more flowery decorations at the registration counter, and the...

Yea, basically Kevin took one.

Stupid Chinaman.

We occupied the last table at the back of the ballroom which wasn't set up. Wa so ngam got 9 people fit in that table. Eh nola. one table fit ten. hmm.



sorry Marxha.

There was something about this prom i hated didn't quite understand. When there were performers playing on stage, the hall full of people was actually a hall full of camwhoring and photographing. Everyone was walking around, engaged in their own chatter and excitement, ignoring the stage which, i found a little disrespectful for the live band.

I mean. come on la. Saujana's prom had everyone satisfactorily seated and comfortable, watching a performance on stage. I had dubbed the event to be a little irresponsive on the audience's side, but to my realizing suprise, at least they were seated.

Unlike saaarrrrmmmmmm proms.

Aiya okayla after the 300 of them come find me and scold me bomb my home.

See jae, that's what i meant by Seri Saujana students having good character. xD

We were so bored, (of course bored la, it's not your prom, you stupid dumbass promcrashers) that we played the table-tapping game. You know you know??? Everyone's right hand over the left hand of the person on your right. And the tapping goes clockwise! Double taps mean reverse the sequence, and a knock means skip the sequence!

Always remember. it goes clockwise. xD

So that was it, we joined the dancing, lepak-ed, acted cool, took pictures, and went home.

In ernest's car.

Whoa. what a mad driver.

Haha okayla you don't drive madly. Just. not too bad. But oh well practice makes perfect so once you have practiced alot, you would be perfect! and no one is perfect! so you would be no one!



Piss off, Agnes Good night yall.


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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