sri saujana prom nite

on Saturday, December 09, 2006
at 4:57 AM

And finally, your relieving ad-hoc feeling of




Mahem. 4.58am on Saturday Morning now. Too darn inspired by jaelicious' and blurrx's designs, that i just had to do a post. CHECK IT OUT LAR.

MarHem even my brother thinks the illustrations are downloaded from somewhere.

(He cannot accept it only. xD)

Crap lar they've even got countdowns.

MarSheBuyLunnChutt what's up with sri saujana man. do they have Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Exams or something. heck, i bet they even have Flash exams.

GRRRRRR. wish i was in sri saujana. they're cool people okei.

OKAYLAR can we quickly

start with the updates.

On the 7th night of December, came the adrenaline of exhiliration and courage, as much preparation has taken precedence over this event. Welcome to the graceful, ever memorable,

HAH. i did that myself. I also can do okei.
(but zhibuy, i still use brushes. dono whether they do manual one.)

Met Sarah's friend, Michelle, at about 4.30. no wait. 5. eh. nola. 4.45.

MAHEM my memory slowly becoming like dorry. Anyways.

So we prepared for our performance in a hotel room provided with the ballroom rental. room 1120 was it. yea. I think i left my keys there. i can't remember. So if any of you happen to ber-akomodeting there, and happen to find a set of keys with a Proton carkey attached to it, please throw it away.

As usual, proms are always late, i mean DUprom2005 was like. an hour and a half late? Haha sri saujana's was a bit better la. only under an hour carried forward.

(sorry ar sarah, for the dragging sound-check. so delaying.)

WOI CarKneeNeaH



bugger. damn lebeh la. i hate typing so much. I MEAN NOBODY LIKES TO READ so much either, right. so let's just potong to the chase. ish.

There was about 140 people in the room, quite a good turnout.

Hmm. maybe not. du2005 had nearly 300 ppl? Ah, but that stupid prom was invaded. lousy la.

Sam was like "wah, and i thought our duprom turnout was small. this one kicimayung man."

So we walked around, shook some hands, saw some chiques, and wow.

Sri Saujana is cool okei. damn cool. they've got personalities ranging from photogenic, joyful, merry, high-spirited, sporting dan lain-lain.

According to and Keshialicious.Blogdrive.Com, that's Joshua, from... uhh... well.. NOT from Sunway Damansara. if they're not mistaken.


So the games started at about 8pm. i think. i donola all i can remember is we postponed our performance from 8.15 to 9.15. kononnya "unprepared". THEN WHEN WILL YOU BE PREPARED LA. CarNahSigh must be the stupid stagefright la. Haha hanafi said if i have stagefright and i don't deal with it NOW, it will forever be there in me, destroying my courage.

So let's do a contest!

There are two categories,

Write an essay on either:

1. 'Steps to Overcome Stage Fright' or

2. 'Ways to Develop an Attractive Personality in front of a crowd'.

or if you're dedicated enough, you can compose on both topics, and of course, it would boost your chances of winning the Grand Prize!

and the grand prize for this contest is...

Three thousand, Five hundred and Sixty seven


Haha okayla i think i'm very much many more capable of being at least a little generous rite. Okay then,

The best article will be eligible to win

Grand prize - Box of 16x FerreroRocher chocolates!

There are no 2nd and 3rd prizes, but each article sent in will receive

A 200g Nett Wt. Packet of FruitPlus Sweets for free!

haha yeap. that's how important this article is to me. xD

Terms & Conditions

  1. Please e-mail your articles to or mail them to the following address: 42 Jalan SS20/26, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
  2. Please disclose your name, mailing address and contact number for prize delivery purposes.
  3. Your article must consist of at least 1300 words, written or typed out in the English language. Do not use any terms which cannot be located in the databases of and
  4. Marks will be awarded for use of proper vocabulary and grammar.
  5. All articles must be sent in before 2100 hours (GMT+8:00) on the 17th of December 2006. Any entries received after the above stated time and date will be forfeited.
  6. This is a real contest.

So let's get back to our prom.

ish. so distracting. and lame. i bet no one will enter the competition. WOI NO please join the competition. I'll add in some weekly prizes after my exams. yay! finishing on Tuesday! 6pm, call me.

WOI MARHEM, this is prom post la. ish.

So they started the games, and yea i bet it was Sarah's idea. sure one. The kissing-pass-the-card game was from Jolynn's party and the egg-through-the-guy's-pants game was from some Invaded Prom. haih. oh but i didn't see the other games. =.=

So here's the pass-the-card games.

Eh why my camera pictures always got Sarah ar.

Coz i gave the cam to Jote rite. Yea i did.

Hmm. but he's all in these pics.

SO WHAT NOW. i'm your

personal photographer

now ar.

for 140 participants. haha.


Next comes the core of my night, the reason why i attended the prom, the cause of the contest above. haha.

We call ourselves The Yellow Bowtie as of now, so if you would like to hire a crappy band with some idiot who'll be late for soundcheck and have his guitar out of tune during the real performance, then just call 1-800-yellow-bowtie. xD

I'd say the crowd wasn't really responsive. OF COURSE LAR. if you suck of course they stare cock at you rite. but okayla, they gave a little motivation and support. (*clap *clap)

Overall, i wasn't really satisfied in the end. Screwed up some riffs, harmony also tak syok, and BLOODY SAM didn't even finish the Innuendo - Belaian Jiwa song. mahem.

But okayla the Lifehouse - Blind was satisfactory abit. xD

Well, that was it, we had finished with what we came here to do.

But the party doesn't end there, does it. Continue it did, accompanied by


stupid DU people. ALL KNOW HOW TO CRASH ONLY. oh oh! and MunYee too! from CHS, elisa's friend. She's in red. *hint*hint Both also ditch us Malaysians go Aussie and study. ish.

(okay i wanna admit that i reaaallyyyyy like MunYee's smile. so joyful la!)

Lead guitarist. kononnya.

Eh don't yall think he abit mendada in this pic.

like Maybelyn.

Gay stripper and Sumi!

Just look at his hair la. Bloody Indian.

Okay ar. you see how photogenic he is now ar.

And there, we DU-rians were, illegally sneaking into the hotel.

WahLao you can seriously feel Sam's words exiting his mouth "woi joe, what is this"

and Cheez's "wud da fug."

Well, i guess that's it. The hall was starting to empty out at 11.30pm as everyone had their most classic moment of high school, the


So we, DU-rians took over the hall, and rocked the stage.


Oh oh! i finally met the gorgeous famous ChongKhaiLing!


Ling, i like your accent la.

The gang.

The lala's.

The photogenic.

and the two Angmoh.

Sam: "Lesson No.1: don't ever leave your car keys with anyone to keep, even if it's just for a few seconds."

Aiya okayla i give up la.

i'm your personal photographer.

Message me for the photos, you two.

And they lived happily ever after.

some pictures from michelle.

when the height goes wrong.

To Sarah, thank you for the wonderful event, and we'll call you soon about the... $$$.

To Sam, Cheez and Kev, nice working with you guys.

To Michelle, we're crashing du2006 punya prom on the 13th, don't know where it is. call you soon!

To Jamie and Jason, looked lovely that night, thanks for the support and pleasseeee tell me your secret. i'm still raving over your blogs.

To KhaiLing, CaiJin, Shereen and Kristyn, nice meeting yall!

And lastly, To all you Sri Saujana People, you rOOOXXORSSSSS.

Good night, and see yall on Tuesday 6.01pm.

Jomi, out. 6.56pm


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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