Jane's Pre-Bday & Rock Climbing

on Wednesday, January 17, 2007
at 9:40 PM

I really need to get rid of this late-posting habit.


It was last Friday. I think. Yea so, Ying called so last-minutely, informing me about some surprise party for JaneGanSiewFern. Kononnya surprise la. Here's the story, earlier on that day.

(ring ring)
(ring ring)

Jane: Hello?
(awfully familiar voice): Hello?
Jane: Yes?
(awfully familiar voice): Can i speak to Mrs. Gan please?
Jane: Uhh.... umm... (gives a little konfusyenisme thought) Okay... erm... Hold on.

(Jane passes the phone to Mrs. Gan)

(Mrs Gan continues the talk on the phone)

(A few minutes later, Mrs. Gan comes)

Mrs. Gan: Jane... um.. Chai Ying called.
Jane: Uhh... okay... hmm...

(gives more thought in confusion)

(surprise failed.)

So anyway, I drove to hartamas at about 6.30... and thanks to me.. i didn't listen to my dad's instructions properly, on how to get to Souled Out. Instead of taking the first turning, he said take the the second. And instead of taking the second, i took the third. which led me to Mont Kiara. As i was slowly increasing the distance between my four muddy tyres and Souled Out, i quickly decided to take a turning so i could do a u-turn back and mana tau the road ar, from two ways SUDDENLY BECOME ONE WAY. it's like the road is two-lane, two-way, and the road i was on SUDDENLY belok kiri. but the cones were all broken and gone so i thought go straight la.

WAH SPLIT-SECOND LATER I SEE ON-COMING CAR I quickly swurf to the left onto the grass leh. WahLiaoEh swt man i see the car pass by BEEEEEEEEEEP all the way.

Hati berdegup-degup dengan rapidnya.

Yea anyway so i got back to that second turning that i was SUPPOSED to take, according to my dad. And tadaa! I parked. at some fitness gym. Yes. that's from Souled Out, to ProJet, and Double that Distance.

Aiyo why do I always feel that my bloggings are so boring and mundane.
Hmm. maybe coz THEY ARE.

So i sampai-ed upstairs and whoopie. All of them Aussie-Landers were there, except me!
I knew i was early. darn.
Take picture.
And meet new people. oh, speaking of meeting new people, there's somebody i want to introduce to all of you later. Gosh.

More Laulins (DU-rians) arrived, causing me a little relief, as i'm always quiet around new people.

(Strongly and Evidently Proven)

So we were all waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting but not many other Laulins showed up except Kev and Ernest. Darn Help A Levelers. QUARANTINED TILL EIGHT AR.

where got such thing, jo.

(Okay, i admit this is a boring post, coz i'm just gonna say we talked and talked and ate and bla bla bla.)

(But BARE WITH ME! more exciting updates after this night!)

This is Chong, Hun Yee and Yee Lynn. Chong is currently doing Form 6 while Hun Yee and Yee Lynn(aiyo why don't we just call them HunYeeLynn) are working at Ms. Read, One Utama. Or should i say worked. Oh but Lynn, you're continuing right?


May you be Ms. Read's most wanted Glutton and scavenge for leftover ice-creams all day.

(I think by next year my house seriously burn down already)

This is Chong's HunYeeLynn's Banana Split. Banana splits are nice. They have a banana, and it's split in two.

SOULED OUT 's Menu looks exactly like Secret Recipe 's.

I dono why.

So, Yea. Jane is a very popular person.


Yeala pretty la.

Ah, okei. everybody, I would like all of you to meet Tze.
Tze is a year or few years older than us.
But Tze acts like he's so much younger.
Tze is weird because Tze likes to hug guys.
But Tze is very skillful and intellectual.
Tze knows alot about everyone, but everyone doesn't know about Tze.
ChaiYing says Tze is a reporter.
Tze says Sam is hot.
Tze is cool.

Okayla my point is even before i saw HunYee arive, Tze was like

"Oh, HunYee and ChongXian are here."

Dabaliu, Tee, Eff, Mate.

Ying was PUMPED that night man. Only had one mug and there she was.

Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga.

Haha check out the pic man. Kena squash. While trying to push them apart with her peace signage.

Like Samson. from the book of Judges.

Aiya sorryla. I was soooo hungry, eat until half baru realize i had my camera in my hand.

Jane = 5 Mugs, bottoms up.
Ernest = 5 Mugs, bottoms up.
Jane = power.
Ernest = power.
but Jane = girl.
Ernest = boy.
maka, Jane = MORE power.


Nobody look at my camera one.

Hartamas square.

BIG RAIN COME man, that night.

that's all for Jane's pre-bday!

Stay tuned, for more birthdays.


Next up, we have.... climbing!!!!!!!!

Actually ar, why am i so excited about climbing.


Haven't climbed for some time though.

So today, we have a special guest, please welcome the[iPhone]Badger.

He's about 180 something cm, and he weighs more than 80kg.

Amazing isn't it.
But what happens when you fall, especially on an overhang.
You get a swinging Badger. with painful fingers.

Apparently his fingers can't really take the weight.

And at last, an achievement it is.

But i also can do!

Okayla i know this sport bores the freak out of everyone but it's MY BLOG AND I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH IT, remember.


This is Ken. he scolds people for not belaying properly.

This is Korkor. He gets scolded for not belaying properly.

Noel with the pony tail and gynormoustic forearms.

And the not so cool climbing pose.

Walked home lah. No transport + cab line 10km long.


I always wondered whether blogging was my passion.
Maybe i just need to add more photoshopping.

**Jomi**lurVEs**whiTeY - d-.-b


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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