on Tuesday, December 26, 2006
at 4:44 PM

Happy Super Belated Birthday

to my dearest



Dinner was at her place on the 22nd (sorry for the late posting, got caught up with lotsa nonsense), which, she initially intended to have the usual invite-em-over pop party, but her mom soon suggested strongly that she try a proper sit-down dinner gathering, invite a few friends, full course meal, with a little wine.

Well, Yes.

Spiced up with a formal dress code.

(The Yellow Bow tie with Belated Bday Girl)

I arrived a little... well... untimely.

jiberlanjiao when i reached home i rushed out of the taxi from klia, changed, unpacked to find my inhaler and Sony Bean and hand phone.

So you should be thankful i even made it. to teman you all the way till two in the morning.


So we began with the dishes, which were spread out to 4, 5 dishes? Splendid dinner I'd say. Although... uhm.. well, no offence nor implications to Elisa's mom nor their caterer, but, the servings were... well, a little small. BUT HEY. WOW. so cool weih. we get to suffer in agony with everlasting hunger enjoy a full course meal at Elisa's Balinese house!

Firstly, I was relieved to be in time for the introductory snack (whatever you call it, starters, appetizers, breakfast, afternoon tea), which was toasted baguettes with.. uhh... uhm.. yeah. and stuff on top.

I know my English sucks okay. don't hafta drill it in. And yes, i know i'm not good at identifying food.

And below, is a crossaint (HEY AT LEAST I KNOW IT'S PRONOUNCED AS KROSONG) topped with chicken and... uhm.. and...




yea. stuff on the side.

Okay fine you win. ish.

We soon approached the main course, where we had a lovely choice of a delicious cut of medium-well done steak sided with PO-TAH-TOES and not those TAY-TERS or PO-TAY-TOES. or some super salty, which i should have complained annoyingly about but didn't a cutlet of fresh and healthy cooked fish and brocolli.

We also enjoyed a scoop of sherbet mango along the way, which is believed to accelerate appetite and digestion, some might say.

And lastly came the dessert, portraying lovely warm colours of strawberries and biscuit with a little cream topping.

And Viola.

A formal sit-down dinner, at MakMeiYuen's Diners.

Too excited about my new christmas present, so enjoy the rest of the pictures. xD


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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