"You don’t just take iPod nano on your run. You let it take you. Music is your motivation. But what if you want to go further? Thanks to a unique partnership between NIKE and Apple, your iPod nano becomes your coach. Your personal trainer. Your favorite workout companion. Introducing Nike + iPod."Yeap.Going for marathons is the new craze. So to guide me through my journey of boosting mental endurance and physical capabilities, I've decided to research on this
intriguingly fascinating gadget. So let's start with how the hell this thing works.
Firstly, it's a wireless set of two devices that synchronizes with your iPod Nano while you're running/jogging.

This is the

This is the
How to use the Nike + iPod Sports Kit

Wow. that is just so0o0o cool yo. Especially the voice feedback. Heck, imagine running past a hot chick, gradually slowing down your pace, and suddenly a voice interrupts your music, saying
"Please Do Not Deviate from Primary Objective. Primary Objective is to burn 10 000 calories as at 24th April, 2007. Looking at other individuals will be considered invalid to the achieving of Primary Objective."
And after you've completed your exercise, you can
connect and synchronize your results,
compare your achievements with predetermined objectives, and
compete against other runners. It's just truly amazing.

The more attractive thing is that the comments and feedback at
apple.com on the Nike + iPod Sports Kit seems like Apple and NIKE had done a good job on the product. Apparently it's as
accurate as your treadmill, the devices are
small enough to get past a student's inspection at school, and most of all, it really
makes you wanna go for a run/jog and push your limits while you're at it.
So let's see what we need to get to complete my
perfect running companion.
Ah yes, the only item left. The Sports Kit. So what price might this item be, for an newbie money-saver student accountant, like me?
A Staggering
170 bucks.
Sometimes I really wish my birthday wasn't in December.
Labels: gadgets