It's been a long time.

on Tuesday, April 10, 2007
at 12:29 AM

Hah. I didn't say which Monday i would post right. So consider me early!

I hereby dictate a new ruling applying to all bloggers and bloggers-to-be. Under Section 88(1) of the Procrastination Act 2007, which will be enforced from today onwards,

A person who delays his blog-posting, with or without the intention to cause detriment to the party of viewers or readers, if proven guilty for such act or abstinence in pursuance of that intention if any, will be deemed acting in bad faith to the party of viewers or readers and will subsequently be jointly or, if such delay has been executed with the performance of collusion, severally liable for such wrongdoing pertaining to that matter.

*you WILL NEVER believe how long it took me to come up with that paragraph.
*and it just took you less than 15 seconds to ignore its illogical meaning.


Anyway. I've been browsing through my photos lately, and something stunned me as I was deciphering the reason as to why it stunned me.

A cold, swift chill ran down my spine as my eyes shot wide open in shock. I had caught a view of the deadliest matter on the WXGA bright display glaring at me, placing me in panic. I soon came to the consensus that I would be consumed to my last breath, casting me to drown in revolving darkness of existential woe.

I had forgotten about my Bali post.

Drowning in revolving darkness

So it's been... 3? 4 months? Wow. Bali must be really dusty now. So finally, I've revisited my experience in Bali, the land of Hot and Humid Air in December. Like. finally.

Like. Oh. Finally.

I mean. wow. Finally.


The closest picture you can get of a plane before the officials catch you

I'm thinking of posting up one day per post, since you know, I blog like The Wine Kone. Always off-topic, and long-winded. So, come on kids! let's go to Bali!

This picture look like for advertisement oni.

We left on th 16th, if I'm not mistaken, for a 5-day, 4-night trip to stay at Ubud, which is north of Kuta, one of the higher populated areas in Bali. Ubud is a little country-side, maintaining a small town of markets, inns, and marvelous scenery of nature.

I should be getting royalty.

I noticed something on the plane, which portrayed the typical Malaysian citizen. I mean, that new advertisement for "Stop On Red", with the motorcyclist zooming through the crossroads on a red light, getting rammed by a lorry, was a little overrated on the gore. Production was very realistic, but wah the blood was flowing out on the road man. So unnecessary. Well anyways, not much I can do on my part, to emphasize the importance of safety, so i'll just say

I seriously should demand royalty.

We touched down at about lunch time and headed out to the arrivals department. And everytime I journey to foreign countries which don't adopt English as their national language, or at least their secondary preferred language, I tend to dart around excitedly for signboards and advertisements in the foreign language. Well, yea we understood Kastam, Paspor, Asing and so on. But there was one particular mind-boggling caption which i caught along the windows of the building.

Holy fugg man. What on earth can this possibly mean. It's like they purposely put these tongue-twisting words in the airport just to confuse foreigners for whatever reason.

But I think of it as an interactive game for the bored people waiting in line at the immigration, and it's called "Anagrams!"

Bali is well-known for its elaborate architectural design on its structures. As you can see, this approximately 10-meter monument stands in the center of a roundabout on the way to Kuta City, expressing the minute details of Balinese craft. There were also many other things we noticed that are uniquely Balinese. Like for example, here in Malaysia, we double-park and sometimes triple-park, we think the road is our grandfather's road, and we agree with anti-piracy but still go to the stores to purchase some cheap DVDs.

But in Bali, they sell petrol in Absolut Vodka bottles.

Maybe you could even find billboards around saying

We stayed at "Puri Saraswati" along Jalan Ubud Utama or something like that. They're called Bungalows but they're actually twin chalets buildings. And gosh, the architecture.


Each "Inn" actually has about half a padang of area. And these Bungalow "Inn"s just go on and on along the row of lots of the town grid.

No, that's not me. It's something you call a brother with his t-shirt on. So anyways, we thought we were going to stay in those city hotels, you know, like Armada Hotel, or Lisa de Inn. But when we took a turn into the entrance of the "Inn" from the main road, we...

Well, I could say that... we didn't have to walk a long distance to the reception. Because we were at it.


Until Reception also macam Drive-Thru.

Okay, Jon. come to your senses. You might be liable for expressing such statements.

Aiya, but still ar. So authentic until a little inconvenient.

What we I had in mind.

I can't remember what we spent our afternoon doing, but it surely was boring. I mean. What kind of holidays do you go for when the first days of those holiday trips are NOT boring!?

Anyway. The place was called Bebek Bengil.


Bebek. Bengil.




Aiya I can't help it la. So nice to do that =.= face and say BEBEEEKKKKK.

Overall, it had a nice ambience with the lipat kaki style and all, except that the humidity tortured us after having the many spices of Bali for dinner.

Not me again. Yes, the brother, with a T-shirt.

Well, that's the end of day 1. Law test tomorrow. Good luck to me.


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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