Singapore is a great place to shop. Their earning power is high, while purchase prices are low. Especially the electronics, where it's about 30% cheaper than in Malaysia. So being a Malaysian, where the earning power is low, and purchase prices are high(er), we visit Singapore only to bring back a 2Gb iPod Nano for RM499 (Msia price - RM699), or even a Sony Erricson W880i for RM1570 (Msia price - RM1800).

Singapore is also a great place to explore. The city lights and fresh air give tourists the feel of a safe, welcoming and exhilirating town to lose yourself in.
Although for some tourists, like Malaysians, they tend to literally get

Since my dad was driving, we had to use the Singapore Map for every trip we were on without our dear old Singaporean aunt. To add some oil to the fire, when our cousins were busy working, our day trips were of the worse case scenarios, leaving us Loh's with Chris and LuXanne to doubt the minuteness of Singapore.

Yes, we met Chris and LuXanne there. I mean like, wuddaheck, they're EVERYWHERE!
Stop following us on our holidays!

I didn't do much shopping there. Haha yeap, although it was
THE GREAT SINGAPORE SALEthe prices were the same as in Malaysia,
before any possible discount.

But yeah we managed to get our targeted items like a

Climbing Harness for RM317 and a FUNCTIONAL PORTABLE DVD PLAYER for RM243 to replace the last three which are still collecting dust at home.

Above it all, Singapore is a very exciting place to be in, where the chiques are hot, and the criminals are caught. I'd really love to stay in Singapore one day if I ever get the chance.

Oh yea, this is just an introduction. Many more to come.
Labels: holidays and whatnot