Oh Mamasitaaaaa.

on Wednesday, March 12, 2008
at 2:44 PM

Okay wert.
3 weeks only.
Not to say like I've totally abandoned it.

Well, okay yea I DID totally abandon it for a week after I came back, but that was like HELL for me! Jet lag lah, catching up with homework lah, catching up with friends lah, classes lah, unpacking my luggage lah, sending Ken off to Adelaide again lah...
Did I mention jet lag? Yes I did. Coz I slept like a hibernating polar bear the whole week.
There was one time I slept from 10pm to 1.45pm. nearly missed a meeting with my mentor 15 minutes later.

And not to say that I should wholly blame that darn machine at home which won't allow me to upload A SINGLE DOOFING image on to Blogger, but... it's demotivating, ain't it? Wears away my mood to edit pictures and blog.

BUUUTTTTTTTT since I'm in the com lab now, I shall live up to my blog's initial misi dan visi and upload something la. So here we go.


Egypt is a place somewhere in the world where I still don't even know where it's placed on the map. I just know it's somewhere really brown.

My mom qualified for this holiday tour which was an incentive from her company to increase sales revenue, raise overall employee productivity and maintain high customer retention in the financial planning industry (wtfbbq). Throughout the trip I'd say we were sitting in the bus looking out the window more than we were walking outside that window. Like some kinda rombongan ke exhibition of ancient history in PWTC.

One thing you wouldn't want to do is to have a frigging long transit in Dubai airport. Coz everyone is sleeping beside the walkalators, laptoping at any available wall socket point, nodding off to their 10 steps to Financial Freedom motivational books.
And also super expensive shopping lah.

But luckily we were there for 4 hours only. Last time my brother's flight got delayed, he stayed there for twelve hours.

Please tell me what on earth can you do FOR TWELVE HOURS.

Totally GG man.

We visited both Egypt and Dubai (Dubai is a country in the United Arab Emirates [UAE]).

(betcha din know that HAH)

In egypt, we stayed in Cairo for three nights and shifted to Alexandria for another night. The final night was in the modern city of Dubai. Goodness Dubai is...

If you have a chance to go to Dubai to do whatever form of investment, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE. Dubai would sisley be the mostest modernest beautifulest city in the world when it's complete. 4 sections of reclaimed land, including 3 palms and 1 map of the world would seriously attract A WHOLE DOOFINGLY lot of tourism. Trump has already booked a place for his building to be on the first palm.

And not to mention, an underwater hotel.

Which I think it's stupid la.

COZ IT WOULD BE SO FRICKING MOTHERLY COOL to wake up, look out the window, and open it for some fresh air.

I mean... some air segar. hehe.

There were too many historical and attractive tourist sites to fit into a 6-day tour, so there were lotsa mosques and monuments we just drove by. But it was still a little hectic for the spots we visited. Didn't have time to properly go and test exposure la, composure la, with and without flash la. So I didn't take many photos.

And I didn't listen to the guides much also. warao SEVEN THOUSAND YEARS of history wanna fit into 6 days? God bless them. meh.

I'm not sure if it's a tradition or precaution or suffocation or super station or what, but every building entrance has a metal detector and the baggage check. Even a TGIF restaurant had that! Who would terrorize humanity just for a club sandwich?!

I don't think I can go through the whole itinerary of the trip coz it'll take at least 1234567 posts so I'll just randomly pluck out pictures and label them la hor.

But not now, coz I've got progress test and thesis submission deadline and grooming workshop and classes and homework and music festivals and club & societies week this week and next week! so this post is just an acknowledgment that I'm still alive.

And also to say that I had lunch in the one and only SEVEN STAR HOTEL IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD YEAH BEBEH KAR MARNNN OHHHH.

the Burj al-Arab preliminary lobby.

Okayla gotta go. SO MUCH TO DO. so little time. ciazo cincao.



My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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