Okayla i cannot tahan but i just HAVE TO show you how cute my cousin is. I mean like. I'm a bloody guy lar. Even if girls say a baby is cute, the baby not that cute also. Well, some la.

Her name is Yakira Jee, daughter of my mom's youngest sister. They're living in Adelaide now. And nope, it's a Jewish name. Not Japanese.
waaaa the eyes and cheeks both also so chubby laaa. o.o)
They came down for the Chinese New Year celebration, but more importantly for my grandmother's 80th birthday. Waaaa I tell you ar her cheeks ar can absorb bullet lar.
Oh and Yee Yee says Yakira's got this thing for noodles, which is her most most mostest favourite food in the hoe wide woed! (whole wide world)

Ish. babies. I slowly understand why parents would want to give birth to these creatures.
I think i would prefer skin rather than layout. sounds so much cooler, don't you think?
so don't you dare call it a layout! rarh!Labels: life around me