Chilling Down South

on Sunday, July 15, 2007
at 9:25 PM

Firstly I'd like to thank my parents for providing me with a car that has a roof and four wheels, so that it can take me places which my feet can't. And secondly, I'd like to thank


for kindly giving me the best directions anyone could have given me.


I mean come on man, why does Streetdirectory Singapore have the all the cool features with directions from anywhere in Singapore to anywhere in Singapore.

I mean, it's so easy! they just search for your destination, type in their address, or wherever they're starting from, and just one click away, they get such detailed step-by-step instructions and even a trip meter.

And omg! they even have the little cute signs for each step! Go straight, turn left, turn right, filter left...

I think for Malaysia, the only sign we would get is

Malaysia Boleh man.

And for Google Earth, gosh it's so confusing they might as well call it

Haha omg can you imagine if they had Google Mars.

"Houston, do you copy. Reporting position at crater 572G, Requesting nearest 7-Eleven Stop, over."

"Confirming report, Team Google. Nearest 7-Eleven is located 2 Mountains, 7 Craters and 634 200 rocks NorthWest from your position, over."


Anyway, it's not so bad lah. They've got their pros and cons. Although there isn't a directions feature, there's at least the familiar road names and landmarks.

(Guess where my house is!)


So we decided to take a Chilling Down South trip to Putrajaya, at some lake they call Taman Wetlands last Tuesday.

Yes, we didn't know the actual directions, and no, Google Earth and StreetDirectory didn't help much.

So we reached there and I said, wow! those are the 5 islands! So cool man.

And I looked left and said hey! that's the mansion looking building! Double cool man.

Turns out to be quite useful also

So anyway we were mainly there for kayaking. I still don't know why I was so excited about it. It was just kayaking. I thought we could go for the windsurfing, jet-skiing or para gliding kind thing. Turned out to be that the storeroom only had kayaks and canoes. And perhaps scuba-diving gear, to find Ernest's specs.

Only Jinn took his camera along while kayaking, since the rest of us adopted the Prudence Concept and brought down our Safe n' Dry balances.

(sorryla I had 9 hour class today)

So anyway pictures in the water will be out soon. If I'm in luck.

Janey Waney Babey

Taman Wetlands is actually a great place to relax, to see the serene feeling of nature in your ears, and to taste the fresh aroma of calm winds.

huh. wtf.

Nola but seriously, every once in awhile, it's good for all to just jump in a car or two and head down to Putrajaya for a short getaway from the brain-killing, soul-consuming, hectic life.

Looks a bit like Keanu Reeves. but. not serious enough.

Ah, this one's better.

So in the end we had a picnic in some gazebo at shore after an RM4 per person, half-hour kayak trip, out into some brown-greenish-watered lake, probably the depth of the swimming pool in Tropicana Club.

And played our old high school games, like Power Station™ and Hand-Slap-On-Floor-Or-Double-Slap-To-Reverse-Game™.

"Snake Kao Your Aunty."

Yun, trying to do the Kenming.

Check out his expression, joe. xD

And after a few hours of serene living, it was that, the time to get back to reality and get ready for the next day.

Although I already had to rush back home for class.

At 6.30pm.

Yes, I'll describe my weird semester later.

For now, let's just enjoy the procrastination while it lasts. xD

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My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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