Till We Meet Again.

on Saturday, July 07, 2007
at 4:04 AM

It's when life takes a turn, you realize that you always have to keep on your toes, prepared for what may come. And for the first time, it was a little turning point for the Loh's.

Last Saturday was a time for courage among all of us, for our dear Ken departed for Adelaide to further his studies in Psychological Science. As it is, he's now enjoying his freezing ass in the land down under.

Truthfully, I admit that I'll miss a lot about him, but explicitly, one of his utmost important traits, his leadership would be what I'd look back on.. Not only did he help grow generations of the scouting spirit, but also guided many others to achieving their goals.

Besides his leading spirit, all he ever needed to bring out the introverts and walk with the titans was the power of his word. Whether it was with the problematic me or the clashing-conceptual eldest, he always got his meaning through effectively. Although it was a little coercive then, to me it has broadened my perspectives of the world all for the better.

If the camera didn't shake, you could see me smiling widely. xD

He was always the one who'd attempt to be uniquely different in every way. The freedom of college life and atmosphere called upon some colour on his hair, a little ear piercing and perhaps some coloured contact lenses. But in every way so, it was his specialty to make him stand out in the crowd for us to remember the name wherever we go.

Not to call him a catalyst or highlighter , but let's just say although he may once in awhile tighten the tension of hostility, he mostly loves to boost up the joyful day with his special capabilities.

Sometimes, he scrutinizes the very much heated debate, while other times, he just sings to the toilet, inside and out from it, in the most BryanAdams/GuySebastian voice you'll ever imagine.

Now even the maid can sense rain in Sumatera.

Being uniquely different and highly outstanding, he may amuse me to some extent, but what really OMGWTFBBQues me is his intention of being a poser.

What they call a model is someone who has some, AT LEAST SOME skill or talent in producing valuable photography content, but could you tell me...


I mean, it's bloody priceless!

So if I were to describe my growing solitude since his departure, I wouldn't say that I'm happy nor sad in his absence, but maybe, from that missing piece to the puzzle, twitches anxiety for him to return, making the family at home whole again.

I'd really love to see the reunion of the highly dispersed characters of the Loh's in a couple of years' time.

Therefore I'd like to wish my brother congratulations on his advancing pursuance, and the best of wishes in his development. May God protect you from evil, grant you miracles, and darn right ban you from singing in the shower!

Till We Meet Again.


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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