New Look

on Saturday, March 17, 2007
at 11:49 AM

We found ourselves doing our own thing, carrying on our own lives, living the normal day, when suddenly, father surprised us with his proposal.

"Boys, I've got a project for you, which is to be completed by Chinese New Year's eve. And it's going to be big."

And so he brought upon us an idea, an idea so inspiring, that it will change our view towards life, an idea so mind-blowing that it will burn a mark in our hearts, an idea so touching, that it will capture the awe in our eyes every time we think about it. An idea called

a renovation.

(kitchen - before)

"How big is it going to be?"

"Well, your mother and I have discussed that it should be a major one... but... under a hundred thousand perhaps,"

" ! ? ! ? ! ? "

* Seriously dad. what is your damage.

So we slowly tuned into the idea that mom and dad knew what they were doing with their money and haven't gone drinking nightly till they had permanently damaged their cerebrum.

(some of the before pictures)

"We have a lot of work to do for this project, so i want all of you to manage your time properly and draw out your plans for the sequence of actions throughout this project."

"Yes, dad."

"I want the three of you to discuss about what furniture needs to go out or come in, the layout of the furniture, and for your mother's and my stuff, just put it in the maroon ikea boxes in the room."

"Yes, dad."

"And i also want yall to decide on what colour you want to paint the walls. Ask your mother what she wants her room to be."

"Yesssss, dad."

"I also want yall to co-ordinate your transportation and available times these few days so that you can optimize your co-operation and productivity."

"Yesssssssssssss, dad."

"And the contractor and his men will be working on the kitchen, my room, and the patio so yall need to be careful when you walk around the dusty house."


*dad walks into the room, continuing to play his Maybank2u stock market game.

"Lim Lau Hiah. Did you hear that ar, kor?"

"Indeed. His damage his high."

Tahukah Anda?
The phrase 'what is your damage'
refers to an urban-style slang
invented by a somewhat happening
of xanga.thiathia, and

carries the unexplainable meaning
within the content of randomness.


As at day 9 from the Chinese New Year's eve, we began our journey into the world of hard labour, reorganizing our furniture and throwing away dusty junk.

Co-ordination was of the utmost importance in creating a stress-free environment for the smooth-running of the back-aching project. Many lives would be lost if insufficient precautions were not to be taken. Thus, we had to act not hastily, but carefully and diligently.

No, seriously. the image above, you see that black shelf that the pine shelf is on? Throwing away that single shelf needed 4 major phases alone. which took about two days. Mahem my house dem kao shit lot of furniture lar. Now also i think still figuring out how to make the upstairs look nice.

Through the duration of the project, we worked in the afternoon,

we worked in the night,

and we even work in the morning.

oh my bbqwtf. check out the time on the clock. crap i still remember that.

As the working supervisor does his part of the project, mum advises and directs him on her preferences and views.

The kitchen was actually the main highlight of the project, where my mom and dad had chosen a modern-type kitchen cabinet set to replace the old individual items like you've seen in one of the previous pictures.

And I say "how nice can a kitchen get?!"

Well, surprisingly, "very nice."

The project was very job-rotation-like in a sense that the workers would come in the morning to start work for the day and we would leave then to go for classes, and in the afternoon, we would return to commence our work for the project, when the workers would retire at about 3pm.

Seriously day and night, i tell you. Damage +60 adi, not enough meh.

The worse part was that 5 people had to share one room because mom and dad's room had fly sheets over the bed, cement debris on the walls and ceiling, window panels and metal bars across the floor, and a room full of dust, while Ken's room was filled with purposeless furniture.

As we approach the Chinese New Year, nerves started to wreck, feet began to shuffle faster and hearts pumped rapidly out of sheer panic. Mother, especially, began to realize the amount of work she had to catch up on, as she had taken a week's leave from work to supervise the contractor's work at home. The days start to deplete. Now the hours.

and Happy Chinese New Year.


This project has taught me many lessons apart from revealing to me my greater capabilities. Along the way, we developed a stronger understanding between each other, strengthening our relationships as a family.

As there are many more projects to come, this has prepared us for more stubborn obstacles and soul-consuming tasks in the future.

Above all that, I'd like to thank my mom and dad for providing us with a lovely home with the marvelous decor, and accepting and taking into account all of our ideas and viewpoints throughout the journey. This has factually deepened my understanding of their behavior and preferences.

Hope we've done a good job helping out to refurbish our home, and to become less of a menace in the house. xD


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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