Nike+ Merdeka Challenge

on Tuesday, July 24, 2007
at 1:09 PM

Yes that's right. Another draggy post about my boring little running gadgets. But no, this post is no ordinary post just about gadgets. It also features our very own nation's pride, our country's glory. come on now, say it with me.





In corroboration with Malay Land's 50th Birthday, I was invited to the Nike+ Merdeka Challenge few days ago, and I thought, bah, who in their right minds would wanna race to the Most Kilometers in 31 days. These people must really be serious runners then. But then I thought again. If I don't do this, I'll never utilise this darn Nike iPod thing in my entire life. And anyway, check out the KL vs Selangor Challenge that just ended!

Now that's what i'm talking about man. You just have to attach the sensor to your slipper or your college shoe, and just, live your life normally! yay! a free iPod nano!

That was one of the days my sensor suddenly worked properly. on normal days, it just sucks.

So here I am again, reigniting my passion for running, keeping a healthy heartbeat rate and looking for chicks online.

Even Gloria Ting is in this thing! Gloria Thing. Gloria Ting. Oh heavens, if even she's into this gadget, God knows how many hundreds more of them are! I mean seriously! check it out man, there's a Miniacs staying in PJ! and a chinyit from Kota Kinabalu! and someone else from Kelate. wherever that is.

Okay I better stop that. They might probably be guys. I mean what kinda woman in their right mind would waste 138 buckeroos on some dumb gadget that you shove in your shoe.

Eventhough so, the shoe costs a staggering RM300++, so I myself could only afford a pair of New Balance 767's. Nevertheless! These shoes are so comfortable, it can probably take me 50 miles before it melts down.

I know I sound like those people obsessed with their own possessions, but...
woohoo! my 767's! love them to bits. <3>

Oh my loyal NB shoes. poor thing! you've got mud on you!

Oh and speaking about the Nike+ shoe, if you wanna know how it really looks like, this is where the sensor is placed.

Then an extra flap is placed on top of it for dampening protection. And furthermore if you're a geeky or techie person and you wanna know how it looks like inside the sensor, here it is:

Damn that's one helluva of tiny gadget. Too bad they didn't make the Nike+ iPod pack pink in colour. Because if they did, can you imagine the number of pink lovers out there. I mean Natalie and Debra are already there... Cheesie's another one... and Joyce? Geez man I should really start demanding royalty. These are brilliant ideas!

Okay anyway, back to the point. I've got Subang 10km Run coming up in August, and I wanna finish it in under 50 minutes. That makes a possible 5 minutes per kilometer.

Even korkor has already taken action. He bought an armpouch to put your keys, phone, money, watch, ipod, potato chips, laptop... aiya whatever you can fit in a small pouch la.

And all I have is this miserable little sensor which isn't really effective. BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE THE DARN NIKE+ SHOE!!!


Okay that's inevitably unbuyable already. But the armband isn't.


Yes you've guessed it. it's the Nike+ iPod Sports Armband! It's actually different from the normal iPod armbands because it's got a little extension compartment to fit the receiver docking the iPod.

It comes in Gray/Black and Black/Red. Shit man seriously this one is irresistible. HAVE TO BUY. LIKE NOW.

Check out the black one! Doesn't it looks so comfortable and attractive. If I had one, I tell you once i put it on, I'll automatically attract the eyes of all the passerbies in the radius of 50 meters. Especially the girls.

You know you can't resist looking. =)


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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