Your Business Guanxi.

on Sunday, July 29, 2007
at 12:43 AM

For the past month, korkor has been out working nearly 18 hours everyday. It's so lonely at home nowadays, I can eat crackers and the falling crumbs will sound like a meteor strike. HE PROBABLY SLEEPS at work for 6 hours and just continues there.

"No, but I have a lot of paperwork to do, but during the day time I have to dart around to see clients,"


Haha but frankly la, I was getting quite worried so I asked him "WHAT ON EARTH ARE DO YOU DO THERE?!"

He says "campaign la."

So I say "campaign, people still come home to sleep before 12am!"

He says "this one is big campaign la."

And evidently enough, after a whole month, his work finally paid off. So ladies and gentleman, presenting, the Maxis SME community.

TheStar, Saturday, 28 July 07, Business Section

The concept of this campaign relates to Small-Medium Enterprises(SMEs) and their relationships with their outsourced facilities. This is because SMEs don't have a large enough infrastructure to supply their own resources, so they subscribe for them externally. And in this case, guanxi is the relationship with the company's outsourced parties. Therefore, Maxis has offered a SuperDuperBourneUltimatum rate of 10sen/min within an SME community that a Maxis customer sets up, and also other benefits.

And Korkor
works as an accounts executive at Ogilvy, situated in Pusat Bandar Damansara.

No, it's not a very senior position. An accounts executive liaisons with the company's clients, in this case Maxis. Ogilvy is an international advertising company with, well, I've not seen it yet but, a tremendous track record.

So everyday he goes to the client's place and basically says "oh, you want it like this?" and then comes back to his office and says "oi designers! copyrighters! and whoever-is-in-the-team-ers! client wants this done!" and then continues on to chase them till their deadlines.

Actually he's wearing that Maxis SME t-shirt now and it looks quite nice if you're wearing the right size, so I wondered, where did he get it?

Well here's where it's from. At some opening talk which I have no idea where and when it happened. And that's probably the dude who came up with the guanxi idea. Korkor calls him Uncle Boon or something.

After working almost 18 hours a day, almost 7 days a week (yes, he ponteng church sometimes), he still has the hairy balls to tell us

"Oh, another 2 campaigns coming up with Maxis also. But this one requires double the work. =) "

Wah Lanjiao Tetek Gong spycam. So that's what he's been doing at the office lah. Kononnya "campaign" "campaign" all.

Crap if he sees this he's gonna hunt me down.

The campaign will be going nationwide in the next two weeks. In fact, it's already spreading so fast in the city! It's already posted up on this blog,

standing beside the walkways,

and hung up on the ceilings!

Looks like it's really hyped up behind the scenes! Well then, it's time for to lend a helping hand and hype it up on the road. Presenting to you,

"Omg Jeremy, did you see the giant advertisement near the Kolo Mee shop?!"


My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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