The black cat crossing the road

on Saturday, November 17, 2007
at 11:59 PM

Intensive revision classes for Financial Reporting at Sunway ACCA started on Friday, and ends this Tuesday. 9am - 7.30pm everyday. That would be my first unfortunate event. Now let me take you through the whole series.

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I started off my day(Saturday) at 8.30am inserting the key into the car door lock and unlocking it. As I hooked onto the handle, lifting it up and swinging the door open, the fumes escaped towards me, making me nauseas and wobbly as I inhaled a whole cubic decimeter of it. I quickly remembered that odor that had been there since the car returned from the overhaul repairs a week ago.

I raced the car to the nearby gas station to buy an Ambi-Pur as I endured the fumes of what seems to have consisted the smell of an organic creature decomposing. It was one of the days I hoped wouldn't have an impact on me since I was already under long-term stress from intensive revision classes for a month.

And I was yet to fetch her in 2 minutes. She who had the cleanliness of a freak, would cast a loud "YUCKKKK!" into the air looking at you drop a sweet onto the seat, picking it up and eating it agian. Just a sweet. a dry, cube of rock-hard Halls or something. For less than 2 seconds.


And so I prayed a little for The greater power to render me some confidence over my embarrassment when she got into the car and frowned with the act of choking at the decomposing scent. Well, that wasn't too bad, was it. I just had to try and hold steady for a day, and then pretend that I can't get the car for the next few days so she would have to drive for all of the days.

She would want to drive for all of the days anyway.

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Starting questions in class wasn't much problem. I found myself in escaped relief sitting in a hall with neutral aroma. I even felt a little more prepared for exams as I above-averagely comprehended what the replacement lecturer was ranting about, as I mostly don't. Everything was going as cool and calm as a Halls mint cube.

Until the decomposing smell returned.

At an early 9.30am of the day , people around me started noticing that there was actually an odor coming from within my proximity. It was unspeakable of what even I myself was going through. Even with the blocked nose, I could feel as if the flies around a dead cat laying right between my legs hover around in a swarm. I couldn't take it anymore and left for the washroom to inspect myself thoroughly. I sniffed both my old, torn sneakers (as I may have suspected that the ultra-high frequent use of it without wash and sun could have been causing me such detrimental embarrassment), and my jeans, trying to trace any spec of bad smell. But there were only the usual odors of teenage guys who perspire quicker than the norm. No dead cat.

I returned to my seat where she sat two persons away, and she immediately exclaimed her disfavour towards the returning bad scent, with that exact same honest frown. In a split-second I knew it was time to dispose of this madness somehow.

I rushed to my parked car outside college knowing that I would have to skip 2 hours of class, but I had already been induced by the unpleasant feeling of self-consciousness to look for a new pair of shoes or an air freshener at the nearest shopping mall. Being hopeful to return to college and meet up with my friends in time for lunch, I looked forward to a happier-ending day.

But this is where the story only begins.

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My name is Jon without a H. They call me the boy who's in the wrong academic course - I'm doing ACCA. You'll figure out the rest.

I sway in and out of basketball, rock climbing, frisbee and gym-ing as sports, but I always stick to graphic design and photography. My dream is to either start and develop an advertising and design company, or design and implement a revolutionary accounting and control system for a multi-national IT company. Sounds crazy?

Watch me!

Oh, and I'm a massive Taylor Swift fan.


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